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How We Are Organised

We're all in this together.


God is a God of order and gathers a group of people together (we call this ‘church’) to be a witness in a local community and beyond.


All of this requires proper administration and care to ensure that the church is a safe place for everyone to be.

Relationship with the BUV

At HPBC we are affiliated with the BUV. We use and appreciate the practical support in many areas the BUV gives to the member churches and their Pastors.


Our Pastor is a member of the local Pastors network and participates in the BUV ongoing training and certification requirements.

Pastoral Leaders

Our Pastoral oversight is led by a team that includes the Pastor, Church secretary and Pastoral leaders whose role it is to oversee the spiritual matters of the church community.


This team meet regularly to plan the teaching and pastoral care needs of the church and of course pray for the ministry of the church and the church community.


They are supported by many who are gifted in caring for people and making sure we are in touch with the lives of those who choose to be part of our community.


Administration team

The Pastoral leaders are supported by the Administration team whose role is to attend to the more practical aspects of the church. They take care to ensure:-

  • All leaders attend “safe” church training as provided by the BUV.

  • Leaders have completed their police checks

  • Leaders and anyone with contact with children have completed Working With Children’s checks (WWC)

  • We interface appropriately with the building “Owners Corporation”

  • Financial reporting.

  • Maintenance including arranging the working bees.

  • Completion of the BUV “Redbook” audits for building compliance and operational matters.


Leadership Roles

At HPBC we have many other ministry leaders who work alongside the Pastoral leaders to provide leadership in each of the ministries of our church. The leaders meet regularly to plan and discuss their ministries and how we all fit together. At HPBC we value the contribution to our vision and mission by our leaders and helpers.

© 2015 - 2024

Hampton Park Baptist Church

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