Social Groups
Building good and lasting friendships requires spending time doing things together. We know that this needs to be done in places outside of the church building as well as on Sunday morning.
At HPBC there is always something going on. We like to get together to talk, visit others, play games, eat out, take day trips, and celebrate life’s milestones. We enjoy participating in local community events as volunteers and spectators. Get to know someone in our church who shares an interest with you and start connecting.
Social activities are a good place to start connecting with other people in our community.

Men's Social Group
Our men watch movies, bowl, and eat breakfast together and so much more.
Old and young, fathers, sons and grandfathers, large and small. Each one unique and most with a sense of humour.
If you need to connect with some real men, going to the men’s activities is the place to do it. Our blokes are doing things together and are interested in the people around them.
You'll like them. They are a great bunch. See you at a men’s activity!

Women's Social Group
Ladies shop… attend craft shows, go to the movies, visit interesting places, go to antique and bric a brac shops, eat together and so much more.
Old and young, mothers, daughters, grandmothers. Short or tall. The women’s social activities are a great way to connect with our ladies. Our ladies are interested in connecting with and caring for those around them.
Connect with real women doing life together at one of the HPBC women’s social activities this year.

Youth Group
Organised but informal 'secondary school age' kids.
They go to the beach just for fun, watch movies, climb rocks or play laser tag.
Eat lots, then eat more. These guys have fun and participate in some of the local fund raising activities.
Our youth volunteer in church and at school. They do all kinds of amazing stuff. Be a part of our youth. Do something. Bring your own ideas.

Group Events
Church is community and we love to meet together in structured and unstructured ways. Groups get together for planning and participation in special events and to celebrate the big occasions.
Participation brings its own rewards. Join us for Mothers' Day, Fathers' Day, Picnic Day, Church Camp, Christmas Carols, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Games Nights, Garage Sales, Church Lunches, Saturday Breakfasts and Brunches (not the same day!), Movie Nights, BBQs, Christmas Lunch, and a variety of occasions and ministry opportunities throughout the year.
We are not exclusive in these things. We like to join with friends from the other local churches too.